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MIS Coursework

MIS 0855 – Data Science

Data Science is a general education course that introduces students to data visualisation and helps students understand different ways data has been stored, organised and analysed. After taking this course, I was introduced to Tableau, a powerful visualisation software that I have been able to utilise in my different business classes as well.

MIS 2101 – Information Systems in Organizations

Information Systems in Organizations introduces students to the information technology and various careers in the MIS field.  It is a foundation course that teaches the core applications of MIS used in business today such as customer relationship management systems, supply chain management, artificial intelligences and cloud computing to make the work flow more efficient. It is done through using different techniques like swimlane diagrams, ERD, google analytics and ERP. This course has allowed me to understand the importance of correct technology implementation to make a business successful and helped me decide on my major.

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