Junior | Accounting Major


TNT Sound Productions LLC, Media, PA

Spring 2010-Present

I have worked as a disc jockey for TNT Sound Productions for over 3 years now.  As a small company located in Media, PA, the job has provided me with tons of hands-on experience in the business world.  Serving as a disc jockey and facilitator for our mobile entertainment company’s private and corporate events, I have been able to continually improve my communication skills.  Since most of our business is acquired by scheduling events with clients, communication is an important skill to master.  I feel that I have learned a great deal about how to communicate in the business world from my boss and superiors in the company.  The ability to effectively communicate with business clients is something that requires constant practice and is something that I am always working to improve.  Overall, this job continues to provide me with important experience.  I believe this job will help me down the road and put me in a great position to handle myself professionally in future business settings.  Further detail of my job duties can be found on my resume which you can visit by clicking here.


Delco Soccer Referees Association, Delaware County, PA

July 2010-August 2011

I worked as a soccer referee for just over a year.  I acquired the certification to referee by attending classes and passing an exam.  Since sports have always been an important part of my life, I was very interested in finding an opportunity to work in the industry.  For anyone that has ever watched a sporting event, they understand that referees always seem to find themselves as the center of attention.  As referees, we play a vital role in maintaining standards of play while enforcing the rules.  By maintaining standards of play and enforcing the rules, we protect the health of the players.  As I learned from game experience, the job comes with pressure.  The pressure seems to increase as you move up and officiate games of higher competition.  The pressure to perform comes from superiors, fans, coaches, and players.  My experience as a referee has enhanced my ability to respond well in pressure situations.  The pressure is something that you can never quite prepare for.  As a result, it is important to trust your knowledge, stay professional, and most importantly, be confident.  The ability to perform under pressure will be a desired quality in the business world.  Although the business world is a different environment, I believe that my time as a referee has provided me with valuable experience in handling any pressure situation.

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