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AIS Mentorship

AIS Mentorship History

School Year Paired With Role
Fall 2021 Sean Boyer Mentee

Being a part of the AIS mentorship program was one of the most resourceful experiences I’ve had since becoming an MIS major. For my sophomore year fall semester, I was lucky enough to be paired with Sean Boyer as my mentor. Sean was very welcoming and compassionate in every sense of the word. During my time as his mentee, he would remind me of upcoming AIS events and would encourage me to attend, such as the Fox IT Career Fair, this is where I met incredible people from the Fox MIS Department. He also helped me with professional development, regarding my resume, pro points, and e-portfolio. I am eternally grateful for Sean’s guidance throughout my first semester as an MIS student. The AIS mentorship program helped me learn so much about the field of MIS and cemented my love for the field and people.


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