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Digital Leader Fireside Chat: Christopher Kearns

Sponsored by the Institute for business and Information Technology, on zoom at 11/6 at 1 pm. Many of the key points mentioned were all connected in some way to the end-user, which was interesting to think about since Covid has a large effect on the consumer base, which was a question asked during the discussion. Another thing I learned was about the ways in which improving the technical aspects of the company goes hand-in-hand with the customer/user experience.  This is something largely discussed in my UX design class, where we focus on making the image and affordability of what we are creating, websites, easier for the user to understand and use. Ic sees the same in other sectors of business, where technology can be implemented not just to make things more efficient, but easier to understand. Some of the most popular products and services have very simple designs and are easy to understand. These are large key factors most MIS majors not going into UX don’t think about but can be implemented in other areas to further a companies’ connection with their clients, customers, and users.

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