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Interesting Facts Page

Be sure to delete these instructions before you submit and after you edit the items below.

Include the below items in your submission that lists interesting facts about you. You must include at least seven of the following items:

  • Movie(s) I have watched over and over…
  • Favorite sports teams…
  • TV show(s) I’m watching right now…
  • Places I have lived…
  • Pets…
  • Apps I visit daily…
  • Favorite things to do outside of school & work…
  • Coolest thing I’ve ever done…
  • My proudest atypical accomplishment…


  1. The movie I have watched over and over is Coco.
  2. My favorite sports teams is Philadelphia Eagles.
  3. The TV show I am watching right now is called Running Man.
  4. The places I have lived is Foshan city in China, and Philadelphia in U.S..
  5.  I have a cat.
  6. These apps I visit daily are Weibo, Facebook, Youtube.
  7. I like going to the library when I have time on the weekend to study and read the book I want.
  8. The coolest thing I have ever done was I take the airplane t0 travel by myself when I was 15 years old.
  9. The atypical achievement I am most proud of is weight loss. It took me three months to lose weight from 120 pounds to 90 pounds.
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