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Community Services

Volunteer during summer camps

The Children’s Museum strives to enrich the lives of the people in our region and from all corners of the globe by fostering a lifelong love of learning, bringing out the imagination in every child and bringing out the child in every visitor.

We work hard to offer unique, sustainable and dynamic learning opportunities for youth through year-round interactive exhibits, programming, and community outreach. We encourage and facilitate the exploration of the sciences, arts and humanities and the development of positive learning experiences for people of all ages. We also work to respond to community needs through partnerships with regional schools and community-based organizations, pushing for the development of strong and healthy families.


  • To provide hands-on, informal educational experiences to children of all ages
  • To extend educational outreach services to the region
  • To involve the community in all that we do
  • To seek and develop new resources to maintain museum activities and further our mission


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