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  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
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Project Description

Why We’re Doing It:

The current letter of recommendation process is perceived to be invaluable by many companies and organizations because they lack authenticity. The Pro Recommendation system can change the way letters of recommendations are requested, written and submitted, and can help business- oriented social networking services to attract new subscribers, increase site traffic and ultimately bring in revenue. The system itself focuses on two types of users: business professionals/students requesting a letter of recommendation and business professionals writing letters of recommendations.

How It Works:

First, the requestor sets up a profile, then the request is sent out to the professional actually completing the recommendation. When the request processes, tracking becomes a capability for the requester, allowing him/her to view the status of the requested recommendation. Next, the recommender/writer can accept/reject requests, and easily complete the recommendation upon acceptance through the Pro Recommendations System.  The system itself is comprised of different letter of recommendation templates (including a feature for the writer to upload their own template), auto-populated tabs (full of the requestor’s academic/professional information and the company’s information for whom the letter is being written for), and tips for writing letters of recommendation.  Once the recommendation has been submitted, the requestor would receive a final notification through the tracking capability that the process is complete.

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