Cyber Security

Sean V Murray

What Do You Think?

feedback photo

We are almost at the finish line. Our mobile app prototype as well as our dashboard prototype pictures are all on our website along with a description of each page. We would greatly appreciate any feedback you guys can provide! Just click the “Contact Us” tab and send us an e-mail with what you think. Each and every one of your responses will be taken into consideration moving forward. Also, feel free to contact us with further comments, questions, or concerns regarding our service and product. We look forwarding to hearing from you! We will provide you with another update within the next week or two. Meanwhile, stay warm in this wintry weather!

Warm Regards,

PROtect Team

We Are Almost There!

presentation photo

Hello, All! We are excited to say that our prototype is almost done! Our final presentation will be in December. We hope you can come to view our presentation and give us feedback.


PROtect Team

Thank you!

thank you photo

Thank you for viewing our page! At PROtect we are focused on providing cyber security solutions for small and medium sized businesses. Our team works to protect your company’s information technology structure. Please feel free to look through our site to see if we offer the right solution for you.

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