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Stage 4 – Respond: The fourth layer of your cyber-defense

Sponsoring org: IT Governance

When and where?: This was a live webinar hosted on GoToMeeting taking place on 11/16/2022 from 10 to 11 AM

What I learned: Over the course of the next couple years cybersecurity issues will increasingly impact businesses. I learned that during 2022 companies like Microsoft, Royal Mail, Interserve and Medibank suffered cyberattacks that resulted in substantial fines, losses of thousands of people’s identifiable information and millions of dollars in costs spent rebuilding damaged IT infrastructure. This webinar familiarized me with corporate cyber attack response relating to business continuity. I learned that there is a specific timeline during an attack that firms should familiarize themselves with. This timeline begins with suspecting the attack, detecting the attack, assessing potential damages, mitigating these damages and than reporting on the incident. Companies should have continuity plans in effect during this timeline to reduce response slowness, unwillingness to fix potential vulnerabilities and lack of organizational transparency.

How the activity relates to coursework: Cybersecurity is essential to the maintenance of IT infrastructure, it is not a matter of if a cyberattack will occur but when. Organizations need to have a cyberattack response as part of business continuity in order to protect data confidentiality, integrity and availability. As an MIS major it is valuable that I familiarize myself with businesses continuity in the event of a cyberattack.

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