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Luke Olenoski, Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Main Line Health

IBIT sponsored the zoom webinar with Luke Olenoski. Before joining Main Line Health, during the pandemic, Luke worked at Vanguard. The webinar focused on the topic question Did the Pandemic Change Health Systems Technology?  In his presentation, Luke highlighted how the healthcare industry has changed throughout the pandemic. He talked about four elements: speed, fiscal landscape, burnout, and remote collaboration. Due to an increase in COVID cases, speed was imperative to make “battlefield decisions” as Luke called it. The fiscal landscape also changed drastically. Luke stated that this was the best time to be in IT due to job opportunities. However, it is also the most challenging time because burnout in the industry occurred due to cybersecurity and ransomware attacks. Lastly, remote collaboration became highly popular in the form of Telehealth. These elements directed IT to focus on areas such as creativity & cost pressures, digital access, cybersecurity, and progress vs. perfection. With the help of the four key areas, IT has been able to help the Healthcare industry from burning out during this crisis. This webinar is relevant to my career goals because it highlights possible future paths with an IT degree.

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