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Delivering an Authentic Elevator Pitch

Type of course: Professional Skills

Instructor: Tatiana Kolovou

A first impression is very important, especially if you are talking to someone that might help you get a job or internship. The course runs through ways to have a powerful elevator pitch and have a good first impression. Some important things to include in an elevator pitch include what is your education, additional information about your credentials, and making a personal connection. You can make your elevator pitch more personal by going into why you chose the career. For example, you can talk about how your family had an influence on your career choice.

In an elevator pitch the main question is tell me a little about yourself. To start, have a clear theme and story to the pitch. For example, you can talk about maybe your heritage or upbringing as long as it relates to the professional setting. Make sure you don’t speak too fast, slowing down your pitch and making sure the other person really understands your pitch is important. Nonverbals are very important in the pitch. So making sure you have good eye contact and a good smile or facial expression is important. An elevator pitch is very short and it usually takes only a few seconds for the other person to decide if they like you, so having a good first impression is very important.

The activity relates to my career goals because I will have to make an elevator pitch to employers or job recruiters when I search for an internship or job opportunity.


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