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Below is a list of management information courses that I have finished and I am currently taking the capstone for my major.

The beginning courses helped me decide on choosing management information systems as my major. MIS 3501, MIS 3502, 2502, and 2501 was more on the technical side and introduced me coding with different languages. In those MIS 3501 and MIS 3502 we worked with HTML, CSS, Javascript and JQuery and we required to learn the basics of those languages. MIS 2502 and MIS 2501 were also both technical, but one was working with R for data analytics and the other working with IT architecture. All these technical courses will be useful in my career because I can understand the basics if needed to at my job.

MIS 3506, MIS 3535, and MIS 4596 was more of the business side and I was able to learn how to manage projects and even worked on a several projects myself too. I was learned how to write multiple documents that project managers need to fill out and even worked with JustInMind to build a prototype for our client. These courses will prepare me for the business aspect of a management information major and also help me with interactions with different clients.


Coursework (MIS courses):

MIS 0855 (Data Science)

MIS 2101 (Information Systems in Organizations)

MIS 3501 (Data-Centric Application Development)

MIS 2502 (Data Analytics)

MIS 2501 (Enterprise IT Architecture)

MIS 3502 (Application Integration and Evaluation)

MIS 3506 (Digital Solutions Studio)

MIS 3535 (Lead Global Digital Projects)

MIS 4596 (Information Systems Integration, currently taking this course)


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