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Fibonacci Sequence – MIS 3501 Data-Centric Application Development – Spring 2017

Fibonacci Sequence – MIS 3501 Data-Centric Application Development – Spring 2017

In Data-Centric Application Development, our professor recommended that we try taking on the Fibonacci Sequence in order to practice loops in PHP.

The Fibonacci Sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. Fibonacci Numbers appear in nature, especially in things such as spirals.

I am planning to work on this project more in the future when I have some free time. The goal was to have a page where the user could input any number of digits, but for testing the page, I decided to show ten digits of the sequence. I also elected to not play with any CSS as of yet. I used a page and handler system for this project.

The page, uploaded to our class server, simply says:
‘We know the Fibonacci Sequence better than anyone. Tell us – how many digits of the sequence would you like?

10 digits’
where the 10 digits was a link to the handler. When the link was clicked, the handler simply displayed the output.

The code behind the Fibonacci Sequence was surprisingly simple. As long as the variables are kept straight and rewritten at the correct times, the sequence is easily recreated. I would have more code if I allowed the user to input the number of digits, considering that I would then need to add a label for accessibility, test the validity of his/her input, and prevent him/her from inputting anything dangerous.


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