Marching Band
I have been in marching band since 2011, my first year of high school. Today, I march with Temple University’s Diamond Marching Band (TUDMB). I have played flute, piccolo, and mellophone on the field. The TUDMB is a 215 person ensemble that requires an audition to get into. We come to school a week before the student body for band camp, and practice 8 A.M. – 8 P.M. that whole week. During the fall semester, we practice 6 hours a week and put on a different half time field show for every home football game. On the day of the game, we get up early and stay late. For a 1 P.M. game, the TUDMB is up and practicing by 8 A.M. We work hard to energize the football team, and strive to be the best at what we do.
We are “The Pride of the Cherry and White“.
Check us out.