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How to create great User Experiences to scale Sustainable Innovation

Title of the activity: How to create great User Experiences to scale Sustainable Innovation

Term of the activity: Webinar

Name of sponsoring organization: The C Collective

Details of the activity (e.g., where, when): Unfortunately, the exact date and time were not provided. You might want to add:

  • Where: Online Webinar
  • When: [Date and Time]

What you expect to learn:

  1. Insight into the attitude-behaviour gap in sustainable consumption.
  2. Understanding of the barriers to sustainable consumption and strategies to overcome them.
  3. Knowledge about key UX tools and methods to effectively structure and reduce risks in Marketing and UX projects.
  4. Best practices in user research, MVP design, product/market fit, website design, omni-channel marketing plans, and customer experience KPIs.

How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals:

The webinar’s focus on understanding user behavior and leveraging UX tools to promote sustainable consumption is directly relevant to my major in Management Information Systems (MIS). MIS emphasizes the importance of designing and managing information systems that cater to user needs and preferences, ensuring optimal user experiences. The knowledge gained from the webinar complements my coursework by providing a fresh perspective on how MIS principles can be applied to address sustainability challenges. Additionally, as I aim to pursue a career that bridges the gap between technology, user experience, and sustainable business practices, this activity offers invaluable insights that will equip me to introduce and manage sustainable technological solutions in future organizational settings.

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