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Interest and Future Aspiration


I have a big heart for computer technology! I love dissecting things and putting things back together while figuring out how it functions as a whole.

Future Aspiration:

I believe in furthering other’s success as I believe everyone has the potential to become the best of their ability! Everywhere I go and whomever I meet, I start by spreading my joy of life by simply keeping a smile on my face. As little effort as that sound, a smile goes a long way in brighten other’s day. As to turning my belief into reality, I cannot wait to stop dreaming about becoming an Entrepreneur in the future. Working hard to become an Entrepreneur by furthering my education and work experiences in any health technology fields as it would help others to be in a better status in life. Health is a part of a human life cycle! We shall configure daily conveniences around health and fitness to further everyone’s aspirations!

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