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Stimulating Courses

ENG 701- When I first came to Temple, I tested into ENG 701 before I could go on to ENG 802, and what I learned in that class really overshadowed the feeling of stupidity for having to even take a remedial course. Coming from such a confined surrounding, my mentality was severely vague and unclear, and I would just take information as knowledge. However, my professor, Amy Friedman, I would never forget her name because I feel like she changed my whole outlook, taught me that arguments are conditional upon similar or opposing views, and instead of just taking something as knowledge, you should first verify, and evaluate its authenticity. Instead of just memorizing content, now I was thinking for myself, and evaluating its relevance in my life as well as the world around me; I was actually learning! Now instead of being a listener of “They say that…,” I would be the one to ask “Who are they specifically?” or “Do you actually believe that?”

REL833- I took this Race & Poverty Gen-Ed last semester and honestly I just needed the credits, I thought it would be relaxed and an easy A. However, it was everything but that, and surprisingly I still enjoyed all the content! I loved everything I learned because most of it was new to me, and the class was very engaging. We focused on  race as a social construction, and it served as sort of a platform for my integration with people of a different ethnicity, and from different cultures. My professor Ryan Holloran, whose name I will also never forget, really made me realize that socioeconomic status is meaningless, and we as a society is the one who provides context to it. Also, that depending on your place in the spectrum has an effect on the perspectives, and worldviews that are shaped, and those views  serve as a frame for whether you take in or reject information. In the end, he served as an inspiration to be an agent for change, and the whole point is to be more mindful and open to the views of others because everyone has a different outlook on morals, values, and life in general.

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