BioData Sourcing and Appropriation: The Case of Genomics
Friday, May 3, 2019
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Speakman Hall Suite 200
Discussions of “big data” often focus on algorithms, decision-making, and visualization, without comparable attention to the data per se. Attention to data is also missing in studies on information systems sourcing and digital entrepreneurship. Research on data supply chains often takes an organizational perspective and focuses on privacy, ownership, and security rather than on the data and its use for varied market and nonmarket uses among heterogeneous users in an interorganizational or community context. This void in research on data sourcing and appropriation is unfortunate as data infrastructures are critical arenas for collaboration but also competition in many ecosystems involving data providers, intermediaries, and diverse users. Not just firms, but also communities and nations are competing to grow their data sources and appropriate value particularly in the area of genomics and health. The presentation explores biodata sourcing and appropriation with the specific focus on genomics data and their associated tensions. The study of data sourcing focuses on what is different in partnerships in biodata (genomics) sourcing from what is commonly focused in partnerships in IS sourcing. The study on bio data appropriation focuses on entrepreneurial companies’ strategies leveraging open genomics data.
Dr. Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa is Professor of Information Systems and Bayless/Rauscher Chair in Business Administration at the McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin. At The University of Texas at Austin, she serves as the Director of the Center for Business, Technology and Law. She has held many distinguished appointments such as the Marvin Bower Fellow at Harvard Business School. She was the first woman to hold the title of Finnish Distinguished (Fidipro) Professor. Her work has appeared in information systems, management, accounting, marketing, engineering, psychology, and anthropology journals. She recently published a co-authored book “Words Matter: Communicating Effectively in the New Global Office.” Dr. Jarvenpaa has received numerous best paper awards in information systems and management journals. Dr. Jarvenpaa serves or has served as the senior editor or editor-in-chief for several journals: Journal of Association for Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Organization Science. She holds a B.S. in Business Administration from Bowling Green State University and Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Business Administration from University of Minnesota. She is a recipient of Association of Information Systems (AIS) Fellow and LEO Awards (LEO stands for Life Time Achievement of Exceptional Global Contributions in the field of information systems). She has been awarded three honorary doctorates.