Ciara Murphy, Ben Kates, Leigh McKenzie

About the Team

profpic-300x200Ciara Murphy is a Boston native finishing out her senior year at Temple University. Ciara acted as the Vice President of Operations of the Association for Information Systems this year.

Ciara served as the document and project manager of the term throughout the project. After graduation in June, Ciara will be joining the TECDP rotational program at Cigna where her first rotation will be an Endpoint Asset Management Analyst. To learn more about Ciara visit her e-portfolio.


Ben Kates is a MIS major and digital marketing minor finishing up his senior year. Ben served as the president of the American Marketing Association this year.

Throughout the project Ben acted as co-lead prototyper and design lead. After graduation in May, Ben will be joining Burlington Stores growing eCommerce team as an eCommerce Analyst. To learn more about Ben visit his e-portfolio.


Leigh McKenzie is a senior MIS major and digital marketing minor set to graduate in August 2016. Leigh works at I’m From the Future as a search enginge optimization specialist while going to school full time.

Leigh will join the company full time after graduation. During the course of the project Leigh acted as co-prototype lead and resource manager. To learn more about Leigh visit his e-portfolio.