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UX Design 

In my Digital Solutions Studio class, I focused on understanding, evaluating, and designing user experiences. Building a complete user experience, I created a website for a food truck called “Farmadelphia.” Throughout the project, I learned how to navigate WordPress and run usability tests to make improvements for customer satisfaction and understanding. I also created mock social media accounts for the digital marketing aspect of the project. This was my favorite project as an MIS major since it was the first time I could design a website and showcase my UX skills. Below is a link to the website!


Digital Marketing

In my Digital Marketing class, I came up with a marketing campaign and schedule for a local Philly retail store, Americae. Throughout the semester I performed marketing critiques on Americae’s digital presence on their website and social media. I came up with an implementation plan to increase audience engagement and Google rankings for Americae. I included ideas to improve SEO presence, boost social media engagement, and increase website optimization. Below is a link to my final report.

Americae Final Report


Social Media

In my social media innovation class, my group audited “Philadelphia Runner’s” social media presence, analyzed improvement for different platforms, and suggested specific evidence-based ways to enhance content and audience engagement. My team and I created sample user-based social media content ideas for Philly Runner to implement. Below is a link to the Final Report which we presented to a Philadelphia Runner representative.

Philadelphia Runner Presentation


Web Programming

In Web Programming a group and I worked on a semester-long project on a working prototype of a technology solution that utilizes client-side, server-side, and APIS. We coded a web application that helps address climate change and decrease a user’s carbon footprint. We had to create an appealing user interface and functionality. We utilized an, EC2 instance, SQL database, GET, POST, DELETE, and a Third Party API.

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