Digital Marketing and SEO Intern
- The Digital Marketing & SEO Intern will develop strategies for increasing organic traffic and sales from and collaborate with the Social Media/Copywriting Intern to take a holistic approach to digital marketing.
- UX audit/optimizing user experience, Keyword Research/Optimization on Ahrefs and Implementatio, Creating metadata and descriptions, Influencer marketing program with social media intern, Email marketing, Analyze data and interpret meaningful insights to implement marketing strategies, Increase conversion rate by 30% by first month, Increase new users and online store sessions, Increased year to date sales by 106%, Created Blog and FAQ Page
- What I learned
- Learned how to use Shopify
- Learned how to work completely remote
- Utilized Usability Script to conduct Usability Test
- Enhanced the customer journey/website functionality after testing
- Utilized Call to Action, Signifiers, Affordance Concepts
- Utilized Google Ads + Paid ads in Digital Marketing
- Worked with consulted on influence program
- Performed Website Audit for Client
- Filtered Big Data and create appealing graphs to easily interpret data/find trends
- Weekly Reporting of data in my internship, was able to easily understand/present data
- In my internship I looked at different Instagram/Pinterest posts and analyzed which ones received the most engagement and why consumers clicked on certain posts