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Language to Literacy

  1. Advisor: Richard Flanagan, Team members: Kunal Daggart , Scope:1. Investigate SSL certificate and update to ensure the site is secure.

    2. Update site testimonials to be more prominent.

    3. Update social media links, remove unnecessary links such as google+ and Pinterest and add links to email signature.

    4. Create a 20-30sec long Facebook video based on the initial video provided.

    5. Investigate a new schedule solution that integrates with PNC payments.

    6. If time permits, review and adjust SEO settings.


  2. In this project, we helped Bridget update her website and social media to be more visually appealing and welcoming to users. We also helped secure her website, investigate new scheduling plugins, and adjust SEO settings. At the beginning of the project, I looped the language to literacy logo video for Bridget’s Facebook. Next, using Elementor I added pictures and sections to each of the pages to make it more organized and interactive for users. Kunal and I drafted different testimonial formats to enhance the content. I also created a mock Instagram with highlights and posts to show Bridget how to increase engagement and content. Kunal and I created a social media and SEO strategy PowerPoint. I created different templates for the PowerPoint with step by step directions on how to highlight stories, link social media accounts, as well as example posts and hashtags. At the last meeting, we walked through site changes, the PowerPoint, and overall questions. Overall, my first project was a success and Bridget was a great client to work with! I enjoyed being able to utilize my skillset to enhance the website and help Bridget with her social media presence!
  3. Salavitabar-Cert-0022

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