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IBIT Mentoring Program

The IBIT mentoring program is a great way for students to match and connect with senior executives. During the IBIT mentoring program, students undertake the role of setting up meetings with a mentor during the semester. The sessions are held through phone, video, or in-person and range from 45 minutes to one hour.

During the Fall 2021 semester, I was a member of the IBIT mentoring program. I had the opportunity to be a mentee to gain experience and learn more about my interests. During this semester, I met with my mentor two separate times. The first meeting was in November, and the second meeting was in December of 2021. Throughout our first meeting, I learned about my mentor’s experience and journey throughout his career. He was also able to share some facts about his current job. We also discussed available opportunities for students within my field.

During our second meeting, we went over some behavioral interview questions on how I can better prepare myself for future interviews. My mentor also provided insight into my responses to the interview questions. Throughout the mentorship, I learned valuable skills that I can use for the future. For instance, my mentor offered me books that I should read that can help me learn more and gain insight. This program is perfect as the mentorship aligned with my career goals, and I was able to network.

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