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Dance has been my escape from the real world ever since I was a little girl. It brings me happiness because when I dance I feel free to express myself any way I feel through movement. I have experience in a variety of genres of dance from ballet, to jazz, tap, modern, hip-hop and even contemporary dance. From these techniques I have learned great discipline in order to teach these art forms and also choreograph dances based on the music whether it be to the actual words in the song, the beat of the song, or a combination of both. At the age of 14 years old, I along with two other friends had the privilege of starting our own dance group called “Split Personality Dance Group”. We created this dance group to give teenage girls the opportunity to showcase their dance skills not only through the dances that the leaders taught but by also letting them incorporate dance steps that they would like to share and ideas to what they would like to see the group do as a whole. The group has danced in the Bermuda Day Parade yearly since 2007. The best part is you get to dance and exercise while having fun with friends! I am proud to call myself a founder of “Split Personality Dance Group” as we as leaders taught the girls more than just dance. Through dancing we taught them values such as respect, trust, communication and leadership.




From a very young age, I noticed that I was a visual learner. Once taught a technique or particular style, I was able to emulate that technique or particular style as if I had been practicing for years. It was then that I realized that I had a gift. I am not exactly sure how I picked up hairdressing as it comes naturally to me. In my spear time, I braid children’s hair for school, school pictures and for the Bermuda Day parade. I have also styled about forty dancers hair in one day using a technique called rod setting for the Bermuda Day parade. I find hairdressing interesting because I never duplicate a hairstyle and I am always looking for innovative ideas to determine what the next hairstyle will be. I enjoy hairdressing because it is fun to do plus I get to beautify clients and make them happy.


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