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Thinkful Webinar: Data Science v. Data Analytics

  1. Thinkful Webinar
  2. Webinar, Mon, Feb 20, 2023 @ 9:00 PM
  3. This is the third webinar I have attended from the Thinkful Webinar series on Data Analytics. Embarrassingly, I had thought that data science is the same as data analytics, however, they are slightly different in purpose. Data science utilizes data to aid in business goals and data analytics deals with collecting, storing, and analyzing this data. Data analysis is a part of data science, however, the latter goes above and beyond by interpreting such information and applying its insights to meet or predict an outcome.
  4. Data analysis has too be one of the hardest classes I have this semester. When I had first transferred to Temple, I was considering minoring in data science. I wasn’t able to in the end due to the addition of a significant amount of coursework, but I remained curious on the subject.
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