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  • Data analytics
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Start Intern


  1. As a Start Intern with PwC; it granted an opportunity to further my knowledge within data based applications by participating in Excel trainings, Digital Academy (advanced technology training), Inclusion network connectivity opportunities, as well as Tax and Assurance simulations.
  2. Participated in a data visualization project with a team of four other Start Interns.  As a team, we were given the objective of solving a client related problem using Alteryx, Tableau, and Excel in order to visualize data and a concrete solution to their issue. Client service professionals were also assigned to our team, and served as mentors and coaches to guide us throughout the project.
  3. Throughout the internship, I participated in trainings which were taught in conjunction with PwC and Coursera regarding solving business problems and the general processes of data cleansing visualization in Excel, Tableau, Alteryx, and UIpath.  I was able to use the knowledge provided by Management Information System courses in order to provide a firm base from which I could easily understand the applications from which I was engaging.  The knowledge and leadership qualities earned by being an FOX MIS professional helped me make a massive impact on my project by designating responsibilities to team members and quickly learning as well as adapting in order to properly solve the client\’s issue.  I was able to use the knowledge granted by previous courses within MIS in order to quickly learn and implement the use of data based applications on the project as well.  In total, I will be able to use the newfound knowledge from the project to better my use of cleaning and displaying data on client based projects in the future.
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