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FOX IT Career Fair – Personal Debrief

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On September 28th, I was able to attend the Fox School of Business Information Technology Career Fair, and it was a great experience! This was actually the very first career fair I attended at Fox, so I was a bit nervous and wasn’t sure what to expect. I printed out my resumes, organized my padfolio, and suited up as I head out to something I’ve never done before.

It can certainly be nerve-racking initiating conversation with seasoned recruiters. We’re taught that a recruiter spends less than 30 seconds looking at a resume, so I was certainly prepared for rejection. Arriving at the fair, I saw a crowd of my colleagues who appeared just as nervous as I was. After a little while, I warmed up and started initiating conversation with recruiters at companies I had researched the night prior. The conversations weren’t nearly as forced as I had thought. It was almost as if the corporate recruiters were actually human. Crazy, right?

Though I did not receive any offers for positions I applied to, I had gained valuable experience in networking and felt accomplished as a result. I’d 100% recommend any MIS or business major to attend as many networking events as possible. It’s a very rewarding opportunity to grow as a professional, and can result in a valuable internship or entry-level job. The answer is always “no” if you don’t try!

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