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Hobbies and Interest


In my life there is never a day that goes by where I don’t hear some sort of music. I like to think of myself as having a wide range of music that I listen to. It ranges from anywhere from Hip Hop and R&B to rock and roll. Music provides a way for me to feel connected with what the song writers are trying to say. Probably my favorite part about music is going to concerts with my friends and family. Some of the shows that I have been too include: Bruce Springsteen, Big Sean, Dave Matthews Band, and Taylor Swift.

Bruce Springsteen OVO


For as long as I can remember, sports has been a part of my life. As I said before basketball, baseball, and soccer have been the sports I played since I was little. Since I’m getting older now I have been picking up new hobbies such as golf, ultimate Frisbee, and running. For me sports is a way to relieve stress and compete with others.


Some of my favorite sports teams include: Temple Owls basketball, Philadelphia Eagles, New York Yankees, and the United States Men’s National Soccer team.

Temple Basketball


When the weekend comes around, my roommates will look towards me to do the cooking in the house. I enjoy cooking and am always looking to make new foods. My roommates are the ones who let me know whether to keep a meal or drop it. I love cooking because growing up in my parents’ house my dad was the cook and it was something that we loved to do together.

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