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Business Technology Analyst at Deloitte Consulting LLP




During the summer of 2014, I spent my time as a Business Technology Analyst at Deloitte Consulting LLP. For 10 weeks I was a pivotal role on a team of consultants who were providing comprehensive solutions for a federal client.


My fellow interns and I were flown to Atlanta, Georgia for 2 days for training. We were given a business case that represented a typical project client. Our task was to present a solution to a team of consultants for a possible solution. The catch is that the situation was constantly changing to simulate what an engagement is actually like. Training provided great team building and consulting experience. And staying at the Westin, one of the nicest hotels I’ve been to.

My project work was truly an unforgettable experience. I was working with great leadership, consultants, and analysts that became wonderful role models. I worked with a medium to large (35 people) team that provided operations and maintenance services for shared financial systems used by a large federal department. We adopted our customer priorities, which were system stability and access, transparency, and governance. They want a stable and accessible system at all times, notified when there is any system downtime or incidents, and they were especially interested in clear defined roles within groups within the team.

I had a great opportunity to lead my own assignment. Our client was very big, we managed systems with 8000 or so users, 100 servers, and around 50 software applications. The problem they were having was that they did not act early enough to renew vendor supportability for many of their software and hardware. My task was to create a process to increase supportability, utility, and visibility of the software and hardware. With the help of many team members, I created a dashboard in excel that was used to track support deadlines and a process document that detailed how it was read and the steps to keep it updated.

During the halfway point of the summer, all interns from across the country travelled outside Dallas, Texas to Deloitte’s learning facility, Deloitte University. We were there for the Summer Scholar Conference. There was team building activities and business case simulations for us to complete. My stay there was awesome! Deloitte University is a beautiful hotel resort with learning classrooms.

Overall, my stay at Deloitte Consulting LLP has been the best collegiate experience of my life. Every week, we had fun events planned by the recruiting team for the interns such as a Washington Nationals game and a Washington D.C. Scavenger Hunt. I made tons of friends in the firm and cannot wait to start where I left off as a Business Technology Analyst after I graduate!


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