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Computer Services’ Help Desk Consultant

Temple University Computer Service’s Help Desk Technical Consultant: August 2012 – Current

Within Temple University’s Computer Services’ Help Desk I am a technical consultant, assisting clients with a variety of different technical issues. These issues range from simple wireless adapter troubleshooting to operating system re-installations. With this wide variety of issues faced on a daily basis, my technical skills are constantly challenged and furthered. This position has allowed me to gain a competitive edge against my peers, having hands-on knowledge on the same technologies spoken about within the classroom.

-Assist over 1000 students, staff, and faculty face-to-face on a yearly basis, while providing
technical support with desktops, laptops, wireless devices, computer software, and hardware
-Assist clients over the phone with troubleshooting accounts, computer problems, and other
university related issues
-Perform clerical duties when coverage is needed and interact with prospective students and
parents in open house events
-Maintain workstations, including performing routine updates, software installation, and
-Teach essential job skills to new employees

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