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IT Intern

  1. Since the company just opened up this past year, I would work the IT guy and help set up computers, routers, faxes, printers and much more. We would also create virtual machines that held patient information from all of our pharmacies in the area. I would also help the pharmacy technicians if they were having any computer problems either relating to hardware or the program we were running, PrimeRX. When I wasn’t working on that, I would help create automated spreadsheets that would help improve productivity which I will mention in the next bullet.
  2. Created a virtual machine and uploaded all the data from all our pharmacies on it. So if we get a patient from Princeton, we can just go on the virtual machine and pull their information into our system. I also helped create two automated spreadsheets that improved productivity. The first one is for our delivery method. On this spreadsheet, you type in the zip code into a box and on the box next to it, the delivery method will show up automatically. The second one is similar, where you type in the drug/prescription the patient was getting and in the next 7 boxes over, it would pull all the data regarding that drug. The information it would pull is Covered Price, Not Covered Price, Instructions, Special Instructions, RMA, NDC, and much more. This spreadsheet helped improved the pharmacy drastically and the manager wanted me to implement this spreadsheet in our sister pharmacies as well.
  3. The class that relates the most to my internship is Enterprise IT Architecture. In this class, you set up virtual machines, learn how to create a local server, ping computers together, and so much more. The other class is Data Analytics. It helped me learn how to pull data out from the huge word doc we had and only get the important information that we needed on the automated spreadsheet. Those two classes definitely related to my major the most.
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