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IT Internship at Subaru of America (Part-time)

About Subaru of America:

  • SOA Headquarters is located on Route 70 in Cherry Hill, NJ.
  • SOA markets and distributes Subaru vehicles, parts, and accessories throughout a network of over 600 Retailers (Dealers).
  • In 2015, SOA broke the previous sales record and marked the company’s 8th year of sales growth.
  • Subsidiary of Japan’s Fuji Heavy Industries.
  • Top Competitors:
    • Nissan
    • Toyota
    • Mazda

My Role:

  • Our IT Department has 4 interns, each one is on a different team.
  • I am on the Siebel CRM team and I am currently working on a Business Requirements Document (MD050) to show the as-is Marketing and Telematics preferences for customers enrolled on the MySubaru portal.
  • I also help out within the IT Department with other teams who need assistance. For example:
  • Creating a SQL query that will show the relationship between sales velocity and the dollar value of accessories in the vehicle.
  • Reviewing RFI documents that have been returned by vendors that potentially will be providing us with Digital Service Advisor(DSA) services for our Retailers.


I have had a wonderful time at my internship with SOA so far.  I am extremely lucky that they gave me a chance here and I have learned a lot every single day.  I was a bit intimidated at first but everybody who works here is willing to help with anything I need.  I think that because this internship is an entire year long, I will have more exposure to technology and business analysis which will entice potential employers want to hire me.  I’m sure that by next May, when the internship ends, I will have an array of talents and I will be able to use those talents to start a career either here at SOA or somewhere else.

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