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Work Experience

Subaru of America

     In May of 2016, I began a year-long internship with Subaru of America in their IT Department.  I am on the Siebel CRM team which is currently working on our CRM Data Model for Telematics in our Generation 2 vehicles, which will be released in a couple of years.  It is an exciting project because there are a lot of changes being made to the Data Model for Generation 2 vehicles, including migrating to cloud technology and also partnering with two new vendors, one of which will provide Telematics services, and the other who will provide billing and subscription services for customers.  My team has also worked with the Middleware team to determine the transactions that will take place through Middleware and the amount of volume that each integration will create.  I like working with the business analysts here and watching what they do because that it most likely the role I will have at whichever company I work for in the future.  This internship has been extremely beneficial to my education because I know that I will be able to apply what I have learned here to the classroom and vice versa.  It has given me a great opportunity to gain first hand work experience that will be helpful when I begin looking for jobs.

Philadelphia Parking Authority


     Before I decided to enroll at Temple, I worked as a tow truck operator for the Philadelphia Parking Authority. It was a full time job where I worked overnight and learned how to work with a team and also on my own. This was a great job but I decided on leaving it to pursue bigger and better things that I am more passionate about.

Uno Chicago Grill


     I worked part-time as a server at Uno’s Chicago Grill. I loved this job because it allows me to polish my hospitality skills every shift and I think that will be important for me in my future career in business.

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