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Opportunity Knocks: Building a Resume and Cover Letter that gets you Noticed

In this amazing event hosted by Lissa Hilsee, I had an opportunity to hear and learn from employers on what they expect from a students resume. Some key takeaways that I will definitely implement to my resume is to make sure its aligned with my LinkedIn, and also has important things that will attract the employers to each company. For example, I was fortunate to have Don Clark from Comcast as our guest and he said whatever role we apply to, have our resume fit their standards and change it up for a different role to attract the other recruiter. I also learned to have more than one experience listed even if its school project add that to show some type of experience in the role you are applying to. Lastly, make sure the grammar and everything make sense, Don told us a lot of people make easy mistakes and they get rejected for negligence on their part, the resume is important and we should make it a priority rather than a task.

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