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IBIT Mentoring Program

4) The IBIT Mentoring Program is a program that serves as a purpose where the mentee can network and connect with a mentor that was assigned to them accordingly to their interests. Mentees and mentors are to meet a minimum of two times this semester to complete this program successfully. Mentees and mentors are to interact with each other for at least one hour in each meeting. Whether virtually or physically in person, mentees are responsible for scheduling to meet with their mentors. This program started on September 14; the orientation happened through zoom

5) From this program, I acquire insight into technology consulting and the everyday work that my mentor operates within his company. Having Rich Rivera as my mentor from the company Wave6, I learned the strategy he utilized that led him to become a CEO at Wave6. I learned the difference between working in a large and small firm and the benefits I can acquire from them. Lastly, I learned how the utilization of Salesforce is used within Wave6 to maintain the loyalty of their customers

6) This program is related to my career goals because I am interested in becoming a web developer, technology consultant, data analyst, cybersecurity management, and areas of Salesforce. It enables me to acquire insight and advice from my mentor and envision the possible career pathway I seek to follow. It furthermore provides me with information on the type of work that employees from the technology team operate within Wave6. Having Rich Rivera as my mentor, I deeply learned the importance of responsibility and communication. As a student that has previously worked in the transportation and retail industry, I lack experience in information technology support services. This program allowed me to communicate with a mentor with experience in this industry and acquire awareness and knowledge of the operations employees work with in terms of the type of projects they are assigned when working with their clients in this industry.


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