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Interesting Facts Page

  • The movies that I have repeatedly watched are Turning Red, Spider-Man No Way Home, Aquaman, Fantastic Four, Deadpool, Doctor Strange, all the Harry Potter series, Venom, Venom 2, Green Lantern, all the Iron Man series, all the Transformer series, all the Terminator series, Wall-E, Finding Nemo, all Toy story series, Big Hero 6, Zootopia, Lion King, Bolt, Incredibles, Incredibles 2, and Mulan.
  • Some of the tv shows I’m watching right now are Running Man and All of Us Are Dead.
  • The places I have lived in are the city of Manhattan in New York and the city of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania.
  • The first pet I ever had was a goldfish.
  • Several apps I visit daily are the Weather, YouTube, Instagram, Discord, Google Map, Canvas, Zoom, Spotify, Nike, Adidas, Macy, Stock X, and Goat.
  • My favorite things to do outside of school and work is playing volleyball, pool, bowling, gaming, going to the movie theaters, going to the arcade, going to Chinatown and exploring new restaurants, hanging out with friends physically and virtually, ice skating, and shopping.
  • Lastly, the coolest thing I have ever done is assisting a customer who made a reservation ahead to propose to their loved one inside the ice rink.

This activity is related to my career goals because describing my hobbies, character traits, and personality will allow members of the MIS community and potential hiring committees to learn more about me. It gives an insight into my background, the culture I am from, and the type of experiences I possess. This activity helps students prepare for internships and job interviews. When it comes to interviews, most applicants are asked to talk about themselves. Doing this activity will help with networking and connecting with professionals from different work fields.

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