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Voicing Conviction: Keys to Persuading IT Risk Management Decision Makers

Lonnie Barone taught me to be self-confident and have some sort of dominance. Throughout his presentation, he talks about how the majority of people nowadays are afraid and often face fear. When it comes to presentation, people often have stage fears. To overcome these fears, it is a matter of confidence and the idea of being Alpha. Alpha is the idea of stalk and hunt, compete and win, don’t back down, asserting control, being decisive and demanding respect. This activity relates to my coursework as I often have fears of presenting in front of many people. Lonnie Barone’s presentation today, taught me to have self-confident, be prepared, and understand my audience. This will be meaningful throughout my career especially when it comes to having an interview at a particular job or communicating with people in general within society. This zoom meeting happened at 1:00pm and ended at 1:55pm today on January 13, 2022 of Thursday.

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