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Working in Computing and IT

As a college senior majoring in Management Information Systems (MIS), I had the opportunity to participate in a career development activity sponsored by Ray Le-Tarouilly. The event aimed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of career possibilities within the field of Computing and IT. My role during the activity involved actively engaging in discussions, attending workshops, and exploring the various training and qualification pathways available in the digital and tech industry. Throughout the event, I learned about the high demand for individuals with digital skills, particularly in the rapidly growing digital and tech sector. The information provided by Ada, The National College for Digital Skills, highlighted the need for around 130,000 new tech jobs annually in the UK.

Moreover, the event emphasized the importance of upskilling through initiatives like ‘The Skills Toolkit,’ offering free digital courses for individuals looking to enhance their skills. I also gained insights into the current landscape of the digital job market, especially in the West Midlands, where there is a significant focus on the growth of digital tech employment. The statistics presented, such as the 40% growth in digital occupations in the region between 2015 and 2020, were eye-opening.

As a senior in MIS, I found the information about the diverse career paths within the IT sector particularly relevant to my coursework and future career goals. The event shed light on the various roles available, from IT managers and project managers to software developers and data analysts. Learning about the skills and qualities required for these roles, such as problem-solving, teamwork, and analytical skills, provided valuable insights into how I can align my skill set with the demands of the industry.

Furthermore, understanding the distribution of digital sector employment in different locations, such as Birmingham, Leamington Spa, Worcester, Warwick, and Nuneaton, allowed me to consider the multi-centered nature of the digital economy. This information could influence my future decisions regarding job opportunities and potential relocation.

In conclusion, my participation in this sponsored career development activity not only broadened my knowledge of the digital and tech industry but also provided practical insights into the skills needed, job market trends, and the regional dynamics of digital employment. This experience has enriched my understanding of the field, aligning with my coursework in MIS and contributing to my strategic planning for a successful career in the ever-evolving landscape of Computing and IT.

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