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A Chat with Women in Tech & Cybersecurity

On March 20th, 2024, I had the privilege of attending \”A Chat with Women in Tech & Cybersecurity,\” an insightful panel discussion held in the Women\’s Studies Lounge at Mazur Hall 821. This event, featuring accomplished women from the tech and cybersecurity fields, provided me with a profound understanding of the challenges and opportunities these professionals face.

The panel was comprised of distinguished speakers: Amanda Jackson from Comcast, Lourdes Cigarruista from Lincoln Investment, and Kasie Madden from Protiviti, with Rachel Bleiman from WiCyS Temple Chapter moderating. Each speaker shared their journey, detailing their roles, the challenges encountered, and their strategies for navigating a predominantly male-dominated industry.

Amanda Jackson\’s insights into the world of technology auditing at Comcast revealed the meticulous attention to detail and the critical thinking required in her role. Lourdes Cigarruista\’s experiences as a Cyber Security Engineer shed light on the evolving nature of cybersecurity threats and the importance of staying ahead in this dynamic field. Kasie Madden\’s perspective as a Technology Consultant and Network Penetration Tester highlighted the thrilling aspect of ethical hacking and its significance in strengthening cybersecurity.

The discussion extended beyond their professional roles to address the broader context of being women in tech and cybersecurity. The panelists shared personal anecdotes and strategies for overcoming gender-related challenges, emphasizing the importance of support networks, mentorship, and advocacy for women in these sectors.

Attending this event was not only educational but also deeply inspiring. It reinforced my commitment to pursuing a career in tech and cybersecurity, equipped with the knowledge and insights from these role models. The opportunity to network with fellow attendees and speakers further enriched the experience, providing me with valuable connections and a sense of community.

Hosted by CARE Lab and the Women in Cybersecurity Temple Student Chapter, this event was a testament to the importance of such discussions in empowering and paving the way for more women in tech and cybersecurity. I left the event not only with a deeper understanding of the industry but also with renewed motivation to contribute to and thrive in this exciting and ever-evolving field.

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