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  1. Official job title: Business Analyst Intern
  2. Name of the organization where you worked: YKS Tech, Inc.
  3. Job date: July 1st – August 20th, 2018.
  4. Job description paragraph.
    1. Information about the organization: YKS Tech, Inc. is a distribution/fulfillment co for over-sea online sellers. If consumer has an issue with a product, they must contact the seller.
    2. Job function: Collect information and data to analyze and make charts. Write industry research reports under guidance and present them. Participate in the discussion of the Strategy Research Group and put forward own opinions.
    3. Examples of projects: the warehouse distributions for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Texas and California.
    4. What you learned and how it relates to your major: optimizing the distribution of inventory levels of different warehouses to help shortening the shipping time and making the revenue higher.



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