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  • Cyber-security
  • Open source
  • User Experience Design (UX)
  • Web design
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435 Points
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The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape

One of my key interests relating to my degree is cybersecurity, and I enjoy learning about the topic as much as possible seeing as I am aiming to break into the field post-graduation. I decided to go through the Linkedin Learning course “The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape” as a supplementary source of learning more about cybersecurity through the lens of a business professional. Throughout this course, I learned a great deal about the primary threats that concern businesses and their employees, reinforcing knowledge gained throughout my coursework and through my own understanding of cybersecurity coming into university, such as Phishing/Smishing, Zero-Day attacks, IoT interception, etc. I believe it is crucial to be aware of the types of cyber-threats that exist in our current day and age, and found this course to be an invaluable tool.

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