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Throughout my academic path here at Fox, here are a few of the projects I encountered in my MIS courses:

MIS2501 Enterprise IT Architecture:

Flash Research Assignments

The body of the text for each flash research assignment will include the following components:

  1. The Hook – Tell me why I just have to read the rest of this paper!
  2. Tech Summary – What is the key capability of this technology that makes it so compelling?
  3. Business Case – What is the core premise of the business case you would use to justify investing in this technology?

Here are two examples of my version of the assignment:



I found this to be beneficial moving forward towards a career as it helps you prepare a writing style that is concise and business efficient. Being able to get your point across quickly and efficiently to anyone in the business world is key for fluid communication and teamwork. Focusing on the key ideas and points the reader is to understand within a few sentences makes them want to finish reading the document as well as understand what they need to.


MIS4596 Information Systems Integration:

We had three case studies where we examined IT and its effects on how business related tasks and projects are completed. The objective of the case studies was to explain the questions asked for each case and present it in a slide deck form. In this form you had limited space and have to portray your findings but still answer the questions in an integrated and comprehensive manner.

Please click to view my case decks:

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