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[Flash Research Paper Assignment for MIS 2501, Enterprise IT Architecture – Spring 2013]

By using the WordPress platform for web development, our organization will reduce our headcount from 12 to 5 and realize savings of $2.4 million over three years. WordPress is an open source, content management system used for developing web-based applications. WordPress will increase our web developers’ efficiency by 80%, allowing us to reduce our headcount by seven. Because of these cost and productivity advantages, our web development team should utilize WordPress.

WordPress is a user-friendly publishing platform that easily assembles blogs and websites by using plugins, widgets, and pre-existing themes. With WordPress web development, there is no coding required. The WordPress community has developed thousands of plugins, widgets, and themes that can be installed with click and drag ease. WordPress has a database of over 24,000 plugins designed to extend the platform’s core capabilities. For example, a web developer may install plugins to analyze website traffic, activate social sharing, or create an online store. Widgets are a type of plugin that add content and features to the website’s sidebars such as navigation menus, search bars, and tag clouds. WordPress themes are graphical interfaces that create an attractive and customizable design for the website. The ease of use that WordPress provides will have a beneficial impact on our bottom line.

With the increased efficiency that WordPress provides, our organization will be able to reduce our headcount from 12 to 5 developers and realize a savings of $2,451,000 over three years. Approximately 75% of web development can be done more efficiently using WordPress, while the remaining 25% must be completed with traditional web technologies. Despite the three-year implementation and costs of $2,049,000, we will see benefits starting the first year and totaling $4,500,000 over three years.




Works Cited

Chapman, Cameron. “40+ Essential WordPress Plugins.” Webdesigner Depot. 13 Nov. 2012. Web.

“Top 10 Reasons To Use For Your Website.” Computer Courage. Web. 07 Apr. 2013.

“ Features.” WordPress. Web. 07 Apr. 2013.

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