MIS 2101.001 – Adam Alalouf – Fall 2016

Learn IT #1 Deadline Extended to 9/23

Due to issues that have now been resolved with uploading images to the community site, I am providing an extension of the deadline of Learn IT #1. You now have until 9/23 to complete the assignment and turn it in via the OwlBox upload.

Also, please note that you can make use of the Diamond Peer tutoring service to ask questions and troubleshoot issues you are having with any of the assignments.

Your Diamond Peer Instructor is Kasey Brown, and will be available to answer questions and help with exam prep.

Kasey’s office hours are:

Thursdays 8:15-9:30 AM in Alter 236a (breakout room)
Mondays 2:00-3:00 PM in Alter 236a (breakout room)

Kasey also wanted to provide students with the opportunity for “virtual office hours,” so she put together a little website where they can ask questions or post comments relating to class content:


Don’t hesitate to reach out to Kasey with questions, but make sure that you provide complete information when you do. If you have a specific problem, you need to let her know what steps you took, what the desired outcome was, and what your actual outcome was. Do not email her (or anyone else for that matter) with a complaint like “I tried to complete the assignment and I couldn’t do it” because that doesn’t give us enough information to help you.

Thank you.

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