Information Systems in Organizations

Will Technology Advances Mark the Death of a Salesman?

In Chapter 8 of Kroenke, we investigated the impact of SAP systems on the sales process.  We learn how SAP systems can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the sales process which can lead to increased profits for the entire business.  However, advances in technology may also have an adverse effect on the “salesmen”.  Technological advances, such as social media, have decreased the amount of face-to-face sales relationships and increased the importance of mass marketing.  It is argued in the article, “Will Technology Advances Mark the Death of a Salesman?” that technological advances will not mark the death of salesmen but rather former or old sales strategies.


Discussion Questions:

How do you think advances in technology will change current and future sales strategies?  How will they change the role of the salesman?

Do you think that the idea of mass marketing is an effective way to market to individuals? (Think google analytics ect.)

Do you agree that our society has shifted from one that values customer service to one that puts more value in low prices?



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