MIS2502 Data Analytics – Summer 2017


Weekly Question #5: R

Leave your response as a comment on this post by June 16, 2017. Remember, it only needs to be three or four sentences. For these weekly questions, I’m mainly interested in your opinions, not so much particular “facts” from the class!

If you sign in using your AccessNet ID and password you won’t have to fill in the name, email and captcha fields when you leave your comment.

Here is the question:

Do a little bit of research and come up with an example of how R is used. You can describe either a company using R and what they use it for, a news story about how companies are using it, or an interesting package that does some interesting functionality. Write one to three sentences on what you found and the URL where you found it.

(Hint: Just Google “companies using R” or “applications of R” or something like that. Examples aren’t too difficult to find)


Baseball Stats

Weekly Question #4: Data Visualization

Leave your response as a comment on this post by June 9, 2017. Remember, it only needs to be three or four sentences. For these weekly questions, I’m mainly interested in your opinions, not so much particular “facts” from the class!

If you sign in using your AccessNet ID and password you won’t have to fill in the name, email and captcha fields when you leave your comment.

Here is the question:

Consider the best practices for data visualizations we discussed in class. Take a look at two infographic sites: The Daily Infographic and Cool Infographics. Find a graphic that does a nice job of telling a story. Post a link to the graphic and explain why you think it’s an example of a good data visualization.