MIS 2901.002 – Amy Lavin – Spring 2018

Max Labs – Labs 3a and 3b

Below you will find the Max Labs assignments 3a and 3b.  Please complete the exercises before the due date listed in the class schedule.  As part of completing the exercises you will take screen shots of your work and paste these screen shots into the associated answer sheet.  You will need to follow the directions provided by your instructor to hand in your completed answer sheet to receive credit for these assignments. 

Lab 3a Pre-flight Checklist

Lab 3a

 Lab 3b Pre-flight Checklist

 Lab 3b

Lab 3b Relefction Questions    Please read this list of questions and be prepared to discuss in class


Submission: Provide a print out to the instructor on the due date. Ensure that all pages are stapled and the print out has the assignment name, your name and TUid 


Save your word or ppt document of deliverables with the naming convention LastName_First Name_2901Section2_Max labs 3a3b and email it from your Temple email account to: Max_Lab.093bnndpu7zitnq0@u.box.com

*** Remember, no late assignments will be accepted!