Grading and policies
Course Grade Components
Component | Weight | Notes |
In-Class Activities and Worksheets | 15% | Complete up to two in-class activities per week (50-min. each) and submit completed activity worksheets. Students may miss up to two in-class activities. All activities are graded pass/fail based on due diligence. |
Assignments |
15% |
Max Labs Assignments: Learn IT! Assignments: |
Honors Mini-Case | 10% | Working with a partner, create a collection of mini-cases using the tools and techniques covered in class |
Midterm Exam #1 | 20% | Multiple choice and mini-case |
Midterm Exam #2 | 20% | Multiple choice and mini-case |
Exam #3 | 20% | 50 minute. Multiple choice and mini-case (Held during finals week. Check schedule published by the university for the date and time of this exam) |
Grading Scale
94-100 |
A |
73-76 |
C |
90-93 |
A- |
70-72 |
C- |
87-89 |
B+ |
67-69 |
D+ |
83-86 |
B |
63-66 |
D |
80-82 |
B- |
60-62 |
D- |
77-79 |
C+ |
Below 60 |
F |
Professional Achievement Point Requirement (MIS Majors Only)
The MIS department has instituted a professional achievement point requirement for MIS majors. We have found that our most successful students are not only engaged inside the classroom but also with the department and our Student Professional Organization, AIS. Students will be required to create a portfolio which documents their achievements in the classroom, with the department, and within AIS. For each addition to their portfolio, a student will earn some number of “professional achievement points”. Students will be required to accumulate 1,000 professional achievement points to meet this graduation requirement.
MIS 2901 will serve as a checkpoint to ensure that students are focused on this requirement and on track to earn their 1,000 points by graduation. All MIS majors are required to to earn a minimum of 75 professional achievement points by the end of the semester. Students who have earned a “C” or better but do not earn the minimum number of professional achievement points by the end of the semester will receive an “Incomplete” for this course regardless of performance on exams or class participation! If a student earn earns the minimum number of professional achievement points within one year from the end of the semester and notifies their instructor, the instructor will update their grade from “Incomplete” to a traditional grade. If a student fails to earn the minimum number of professional achievement points within one year from the end of the semester or does not notify their instructor that they have earned the minimum number of professional achievement points then their “Incomplete” will be changed to an “F” automatically by the system and will be the student’s permanent grade.
You are STRONGLY encouraged to, at a minimum, do the following to earn professional achievement points:
- Create an e-Portfolio and have it listed with the department.
- Become an active member of AIS and participate in professional development activities.
- Attend the IT Awards Reception (spring semester only) and the MIS Department’s Career Fair.
- Volunteer your time for department sponsored events.
- Discuss opportunities to earn points for projects with your MIS instructors.
For more information on the portfolio requirement, please see
Assignment Grading Criteria
Grade | Criteria |
Pass-High (100%) | The assignment consistently exceeds expectations. It demonstrates originality of thought and creativity throughout. Beyond completing all of the required elements, new concepts and ideas are detailed that transcend general discussions along similar topic areas. There are few mechanical, grammatical or organizational issues that detract from the presented ideas. |
Pass (80%) | The assignment consistently meets expectations. It contains all the information prescribed for the assignment and demonstrates a command of the subject matter. There is sufficient detail to cover the subject completely but not too much as to be distracting. There may be some procedural issues, such as grammar or organizational challenges, but these do not significantly detract from the intended assignment goals. |
Fail (60%) | The assignment fails to consistently meet expectations. That is, the assignment is complete but contains problems that detract from the intended goals. These issues may be relating to content detail, be grammatical, or be a general lack of clarity. Other problems might include not fully following assignment directions. |
Missing/Late (0%) | Missing or late assignment. |
There will be three exams during the semester. Missed exams can only be made up in the case of documented and verifiable extreme emergency situations. Our third exam will be held during “finals week”. Please check the schedule published by the university to find the date and time for this third exam.
Additional Grading Policies
Please note that it is against my policy to discuss grades on any test, graded assignment or any other direct component of your final grade via e-mail. If you would like to discuss how an assignment was graded, please see me during office hours. If you are not available during office hours, please make an appointment with me for another time.
Please note that two weeks after a grade has been posted, the grade will be considered “final.” If you have an issue with a grade you are required to meet with me or make an appointment to meet with me during this two week period. After this two week period a grade will be considered “final” and is not up for discussion.
Completed assignments will not be returned in class but will be held by your instructor for a period of time of two weeks after grades have been posted. After this period assignments will be disposed of. If you would like to have your assignments returned, please make arrangements with your instructor to pick up your assignments during office hours before the end of this two week period.
In-class activities will not be returned. If you would like copies of your completed in-class activities, please take of picture of your activity sheets before you hand them in.
Disability Resources and Services
Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a documented disability, including special accommodations for access to technology resources and electronic instructional materials required for the course, should contact me privately to discuss the specific situation by the end of the second week of classes or as soon as practical. If you have not done so already, please contact Disability Resources and Services (DRS) at 215-204-1280 in 100 Ritter Annex to learn more about the resources available to you. I will work with DRS to coordinate reasonable accommodations for all students with documented disabilities.
Citation Guidelines
If you use text, figures, and data in reports that was created by others you must identify the source and clearly differentiate your work from the material that you are referencing. If you fail to do so you are plagiarizing. There are many different acceptable formats that you can use to cite the work of others. The format is not as important as the intent. You must clearly show the reader what is your work and what is a reference to someone else’s work.
Academic Honesty
Source: Temple University Undergraduate Bulletin, 2012-2013. Available online at:
Temple University believes strongly in academic honesty and integrity. Plagiarism and academic cheating are, therefore, prohibited. Essential to intellectual growth is the development of independent thought and a respect for the thoughts of others. The prohibition against plagiarism and cheating is intended to foster this independence and respect.
Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of another person’s labor, another person’s ideas, another person’s words, another person’s assistance. Normally, all work done for courses — papers, examinations, homework exercises, laboratory reports, oral presentations — is expected to be the individual effort of the student presenting the work. Any assistance must be reported to the instructor. If the work has entailed consulting other resources — journals, books, or other media — these resources must be cited in a manner appropriate to the course. It is the instructor’s responsibility to indicate the appropriate manner of citation. Everything used from other sources — suggestions for organization of ideas, ideas themselves, or actual language — must be cited. Failure to cite borrowed material constitutes plagiarism. Undocumented use of materials from the World Wide Web is plagiarism.
Academic cheating is, generally, the thwarting or breaking of the general rules of academic work or the specific rules of the individual courses. It includes falsifying data; submitting, without the instructor’s approval, work in one course which was done for another; helping others to plagiarize or cheat from one’s own or another’s work; or actually doing the work of another person.
The penalty for academic dishonesty can vary from receiving a reprimand and a failing grade for a particular assignment, to a failing grade in the course, to suspension or expulsion from the university. The penalty varies with the nature of the offense, the individual instructor, the department, and the school or college.
Students who believe that they have been unfairly accused may appeal through the school or college’s academic grievance procedure.
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this class. In cases of cheating, both parties will be held equally responsible, i.e. both the student who shares the work and the student who copies the work. Penalties for such actions are given at my discretion, and can range from a failing grade for the individual assignment, to a failing grade for the entire course.
Course Policies
Course Schedule/Syllabus/Policies – The Course Schedule, Syllabus and Policies are subject to change at any time, depending on progress in the classroom and other factors, including weather and unexpected events. All changes will be noted in class and posted on this class community site. Failure to learn about changes due to absence from class or not checking the community site regularly does not constitute an acceptable excuse for being unaware of any change or required activity.
Attendance – MIS2101 classes will involve lectures, videos, guest speakers, discussions, and many in-class activities. Students are expected to attend class regularly, arrive promptly, come prepared (readings completed, activity sheets and writing implements in hand, etc.), and participate actively (i.e., contribute to classroom discussions).
Absences – If an emergency arises requiring an absence from a session, it is your responsibility to inform me ahead of time and get notes and any other information covered in class from one of your colleagues. Because this course is largely activity based, missing more than 2 in-class activities will have serious repercussions on your grade. Being absent, even when I have been notified beforehand, does not serve as an excuse for missing a quiz, exam, or turning in an assignment late. If you are not in class, all assignments must still be dropped off according to the published deadlines. Failure to do so will result in your receiving a zero (0) grade for the assignment.
Extra Credit – There is no guarantee of extra credit being offered. I reserve the right to offer it in a form of my choosing at any time during the semester. Extra credit – if any – will be offered to ALL students in the class. There will be NO individual opportunities for extra credit, so please do not ask for extra credit assignments. In addition, if you are not in class when I give an extra credit assignment, you cannot make up that assignment.
Retention Period – All completed class assignments are retained for two weeks after final grades are posted.
Classroom Policies
To maintain a positive atmosphere conducive to learning, it is important that students respect instructors and fellow classmates, and that behaviors do not disrupt class activities or interfere with the academic environment and free exchange of ideas. Students are expected to adhere to the following policies:
- Arriving/Leaving Class – Plan to arrive to class on time and to stay for the entire class period. Random arrivals and exits are distracting to both instructor and classmates. If you must arrive late, enter class quietly and take the first seat available to you. If you must leave early, sit as close to the door as possible so your exit is minimally disruptive.
- Cell Phones/Electronic Devices – All smart devices (smartphones, tablets etc.) must be on vibrate.
- Talking/Interrupting – This course is structured as predominantly discussion and activities, so small group interaction is expected. However, when another student is speaking to the class, or the instructor is lecturing, you are expected to refrain from interrupting or talking in private conversation with fellow classmates.
- Questions/Comments – Please raise your hand first as a courtesy to classmates and instructor. Remember, your questions and comments are welcome, and there’s no such thing as a dumb question. Chances are, if you have a question, someone else is also thinking the same thing. Asking questions results in you learning more, making the class interesting, and helping your classmates learn as well.
If a specific behavior has not been addressed here, but might negatively impact other students’ learning or class instruction, you are expected to exercise good judgement and refrain from such actions. In most cases, exhibiting disruptive behaviors will result in being asked to leave the classroom for the duration of that day’s session. If you have any difficulty adhering to these rules (I acknowledge there may be rare valid reasons), you may bring it to my attention after class, via email, or during office hours.