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MIS 2501 Coursework

Here are some examples of my writing assignments for Enterprise IT Architecture (MIS 2501), as well as an optional independent project that I completed for MIS professional achievement points. I hope you enjoy!

Flash Research Assignments :

Flash Paper #1 Data Centers and Networking

Flash Paper #2 Virtualization and Cloud Computing

Flash Paper #3 SharePoint

Flash Paper #4 WordPress

Flash Paper #5 iTunes and App Store Ecosystem

Flash Paper #6 Xbox Live


MIS2501 – Enterprise IT Architecture

Flash Research Assignments

One of the most important skills a young business professional needs to develop is the ability to quickly and efficiently analyze a situation, understand the situation, and be able to explain the situation in clear and concise terms.  Flash research assignments will help you develop this skill in the context of analyzing, understanding, and explaining digital products and services.

Each flash research assignment will require the creation of a paper.  The intended audience of this paper is the CIO of a company.  Assume that the CIO understands technology at a very, very high levshbbel.  Assume that the primary focus of the CIO is leveraging technology to create business value for their organization, not the technology itself.  Executives are very busy people; time is precious for your typical CIO.  Learning how to articulate your ideas in a clear and concise manner is essential.

The body of the text for each flash research assignment will include the following components:

  1. The Hook – Tell me why I just have to read the rest of this paper!
  2. Tech Summary – What are the key capabilities of this technology that make it so compelling?
  3. Business Case – What is the core premise of the business case you would use to justify investing in this technology?


MIS 2501 Independent Project:

For the Independent project I developed hands-on skills with WordPress. WordPress was a technology which we talked about in the class and even wrote a Flash Paper on it. I created a website for the Philadelphia Flyers and created a YouTube video displaying the process. The use of widgets was something which I was unfamiliar with at the time, and I had a fun time developing my own website. I had to write a 1 page paper about what WordPress is and why it interests me, and why it would be a beneficial application to use.

Feel free to look at my project and comment on it either here or on the site itself!

Flyers Website

YouTube Video


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