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Cherry’s Baking Company

Advisor: Rich Flanagan

Partner: David Shin

Term: Fall 2020


The Cherry’s Baking Company project was definitely the biggest project I have had thus far. My partner, David, and I were tasked on helping Teresa , the business owner, better improve her site and eCommerce features. To get some of the features she wanted such as customs cakes we had to switch platforms from GoDaddy to WordPress. This meant we also had to switch hosting services which was something we had learn how to do during the project. Once we figured that out we then had to start from square 1 and design her new site. Our beginning meetings were mainly focused on that and what she liked the best. Afterwards, we started working on her eCommerce and we decided that WooCommerce was the best option. It had to be able to sync with Square. We then designed the store interface and included all the options Teresa wanted. Finally, we implemented a SEO strategy to help her get more of an online presence. This project was difficult but very rewarding. I am glad I got to work on this.

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